Cecilia Chen 陳小姐, 作為 St.George 區具有豐富經驗的華人物业代理, 恒大置業的销售总监, 憑著以往多年的物業管理經驗和律师楼房屋轉讓經驗, 令她進軍地產行業打下了扎實的基礎。廣泛的人際關係, 诚恳的待人接物, 良好的客戶溝通, 使她在區內數年間脫穎而出逐渐被人认同, 并赢得了不少的赞誉。無論全新豪宅, 商用物業, 樓花,还是小型物業的買賣, 她都應付得當, 揮灑自如, 以一貫認真細緻, 永不放棄的工作態度和積極熱忱的專業知識, 在區內贏得了業主和買家的赞譽, 尤其是豪宅的買賣, 更是她的專業所长, 數年間已成功賣出了无数的豪宅,声誉超卓。無論業主以任何理由出售房屋,她都會盡心盡力去達成他們心目中的價位。同時,她也顧及買家的要求,務必能獲得雙贏的局面, 绝对是一个成功的双方谈判者。
陳小姐精通国,粤,英语,如果您需要在地產方面的專業諮詢或物業的免費估價, 她必定是您的最佳首选物业代理。
Cecilia has years of real estate experience in the Hurstville and surrounding areas and has many satisfied clients. The fact that she enjoys lots of repeat and referral business is testament of her ongoing success.
Always striving to achieve the best result for her clients every time, Cecilia’s results speak volumes of her abilities as a professional negotiator with a proven track record spanning well over 12 years in the industry. Constantly delivering superior results and personalized service is a true testament to Cecilia’s commitment to developing lasting relationships with her clients that is built on trust.
Utilizing her local market knowledge combined with vast experience ensures Cecilia is able to provide her clients with solid advice and innovative strategies in achieving maximum result in minimum time, Cecilia would love to add you to her list of satisfied clientele.
Cecilia’s professional skills, background and unquestionable integrity enable her to build empathy with buyers and sellers and to foster professional networks and relationships. You will find Cecilia an excellent, hard working individual who is wholly committed to working with and helping her Real Estate clients.
“Networking for the right buyers and negotiating for the top prices is my prime objective for clients.” Cecilia likes to measure her success in terms of the client’s satisfaction. She is more than happy to serve you as a repeat customer again and again and to be recommended / referred to anyone you think deserves good real estate services.
Good conversation and excellent communication define Cecilia. Fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese, Cecilia is outgoing, shares genuine passion for real estate and people and is a great conversationalist.
Please call Cecilia for any real estate matter and enjoy the wealth of her experience and attention to detail.
Sales Manager
Office: 02 9570 8222
Mobile: 0401 981 226
Fax: 02 8076 3533